Friday, February 9, 2007


If you missed "The Colbert Report" last night, you have to watch Stephen's interview with Debra Dickerson. On any other show, the conversation would just be stupid. On Colbert, it's absurdist drama at its best.

It's about how Barack Obama isn't "black" in the sense that he is not a decendant of West African slaves, and therefore white liberals should stop congratulating themselves for supporting a black presidential candidate. And hey, maybe white people should stop being self-congratulatory. For instance, I gave some money to the Red Cross over the holidays, and I distinctly remember feeling pretty pleased with myself. On the other hand, I also gave money to charity, so I kind of saw it as a win-win. But Dickerson is right. In fact, I think we should actively avoid electing women or people of color to the presidency. Because white people might feel too good about it. It's better when we're all angry and self-loathing.

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